How to Set Different Timeframes for Multiple Time Series Panels in Grafana?

Hi everyone,

I’m working on a dashboard with multiple time series panels in Grafana, but I need each panel to display a different timeframe in order to showcase some pressure tests we ran with our pneumatic conveyors.

Here’s the challenge:

  • The timeframes for the panels need to overrule the dashboard’s time picker.
  • They also need to be set using absolute timestamps (rather than relative time settings like in the Query options).

I know that I can adjust the InfluxQL query to fetch data between specific timestamps (from Time A to Time B), but that doesn’t change the time axis or the panel frame. The panel will always use the dashboard’s timepicker (or relative time override), which is not what I need.

I’ve been trying to solve this for years, gave up, and came back to the issue recently — but I still can’t find a clean solution.


  • I’m using InfluxDB as my data source with InfluxQL query builder.
  • Grafana version: 11.3.2

Has anyone successfully implemented a setup where each panel can have its own independent absolute timeframe? If so, how did you do it?

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions!

Hi @bertschelstraete

Would something like this be what you’re looking for?

SELECT "pressure_tests" FROM "pneumatic_conveyors" WHERE time >'2025-11-16T00:00:00Z' - '2025-11-15T00:00:00Z' AND ..... FILL(null)

The above should disregard whatever you have in the TimePicker (which you can also hide so users are not confused) and of course hard codes the timeframe.

Hi @grant2, no that’s what I meant by this:

The time of the data is not the issue, the problem is to adjust the panel time frame.
In the screenshot I did something like your suggestion but as you can see the time panel frame is not from the start to the end of the data in the query but it’s the same frame as the dashboard time with gaps outside of the query time.
Thx anyway.

Hmmmm…I would have expected the graph displayed to be only the time period you put in the query.

Does changing this to a fixed value (e.g. 1m) change the graph being displayed?

@grant2 No that would just group the query time manually to the time you set, instead of using the grafana auto-calculation “$__interval” that is based on the time range and the width of the panel. So still no changes in the timeframe of the panel because of this.
Anyhow I added a screenshot trying it.