How to pass the Infinity Query output value to the Diagram Plugin panel (alias)

Using Infinity datasource, I created a query using UQL, and made transformations to get a single row output with two columns. Status and Value.I dont know how to map the value to the Diagram plugin Alias. As the query does not have alias field in that. to map the output to the diagram.

Hi @aravindhananbazhagan, welcome to the community forum!

You can set the name of the query at the top left of the query inspector for each query in your panel. You can then use these names in the Diagram Definition, as shown in the screenshot below.

The other option is you can simply provide a string metric name in the actual data which will be turned into individual metrics that you can use. For example here I have 3 metrics, pod1, pod2, and pod3 with different values.

I hope this helps!

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Thanks for your response.I did some UQL formula to drill down the value, finally i found only if it is a timeseries table diagram plugin will support. then I added timeseries field, then I could map the fields as expected.

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