Hi community,
I’m struggling on how to map my InfluxDB 2 data with the Grafana Diagram plugin.
For testing purpose I’m using the next flux array to generate a table:
import "experimental/array"
array.from(rows: [
{name: "solar", last: 2.0},
{name: "home", last: 13.0}
My mermaid diagram definition:
graph LR
solar((fa:fa-sun-o <br/>3)) --> home
I do not really understand how to show/map my query results (2.0 and 13.0) in the Diagram.
In the documentation I can read that the target/alias of the series is compared to the ID of the diagram. It should be the case… my table returns:
name | last
solar | 2
home | 13
I have also tried with a table returning:
Same issue
Thanks you very much for the help.