How to map the .Alerts.Firing json object in Grafana Alerting to a Custom structure for PagerDuty Ingestion

I am trying to integrate grafana with PagerDuty to present alerting data structure in a particular way.
I am trying to use the Notification Template to emit a custom json structure for the Alert for ingestion into PagerDuty.
The current object that is forwarded to Pagerduty is a firing object, e.g:

  "details": {  
    "firing": { alert kv's here }

I want to map this in its place:

  "payload": {
    "custom_field": { alert kv's here }

I have been trying to update the notification template to map these objects but struggling to find the right combination. Any help appreciated.

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Hey @alexralph, did you find a solution for your issue? If yes, how did you do it?


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It seems we’re running into the same thing after upgrading from Grafana 8 → 10.

Hard to google on, this one. Did any of you figure it out?