How to limit Tempo trace searches to the timestamp of a selected Loki log stream when using derived fields

Hi there,
I am using Grafana Loki,Tempo opensource versions and set up derived fields on Loki datasource so i could jump to Tempo search window when there is a trace id in my logs and it works perfectly. However the time range tempo uses in this case is the time range I selected on the Loki’s explorer search window. Could anyone please tell me how could i restrict it to selected log’s stream’s time stamp.

Current situation
Loki time range and Tempo time range are same
Loki time range

Tempo time range

What I would like to achieve
Log stream’s time stamp should be Tempo’s time range instead of Loki’s search time range.
Log’s stream time stamp

Tempo’s time range

Whats tried already
Tried to restrict it using TraceID query to a shorter window but it doesn’t seem to be working.