Grafana version: 7.5.2
- We are going to implement Grafana HA in k8s. So if we deploy 2 replicas and with a NFS volume mount to both instances, is it a valid HA solution?
- We have deployed nginx in our enviroment, but if we add args “–web.external-url”, we got the following error:
kubectl logs grafana-78b4458bf5-b8h4d -n monitoring
flag provided but not defined: --web.external-url
Usage of grafana-server:
-config string
path to config file
-homepath string
path to grafana install/home path, defaults to working directory
-packaging string
describes the way Grafana was installed (default “unknown”)
-pidfile string
path to pid file
Turn on pprof profiling
-profile-port uint
Define custom port for profiling (default 6060)
Turn on tracing
-tracing-file string
Define tracing output file (default “trace.out”)
-v prints current version and exits