How to download CSV of graph data using Grafana Api


Currently, we are downloading the graphs data into csv file through Grafana Dashboard which is a manual process. Do we have any API which directly download graphs information in csv same as we are doing from dashboard.

Any help is appreciated.

No, CSV is generated by frontend, not by backend.

What is the purpose of this process?

Hi @yosiasz , Thank You for your reply, We have configured multiple severs in Grafana and on each server, we have create multiple graphs. Now if we start taking csv files of all graphs, it would be a long and this is manual process. So having an automate way to get the files would be very easy for us.

hi @jangaraj, Thank you for your reply.

The dashboards are in json format and not csv as @jangaraj stated

But still why are you attemting to do this? Are you trying to synch the different grafana servers?