How to create a dashboard with panel tiles with data source .csv

Hi All,
I’m using grafana cloud trail version and want to build a dashboard with panel just like the one shown in the below link (the one shows to right side of the “MongoDB visualization”.

I have the data in excel format (in .csv) and how do I create such dashboard. Please advice.

Use Infinity plugin to parse your CSV data, than use stat panels, gauges and other visualizations to visualize parsed data as you need.

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Hi ebabeshko,
I tried with infinity plugin, but I’m not able to more lines to the tile. Can you let me know how to more lines (rows) in one tile.


Here is an example done with 3 Stat panels and data coming from Infinity plugin:

Configuration of one of Stat panels:

Hi ebabeshko
Thank you for the input. However, I want the following lines in one tile which I’m not getting when followed the steps you have shown

Metrics Overall (as on date) Current Month
Code Generation Rate 100000 Lines 80000 lines
Developer Productivity 20% 15%
No of programs Generated 50 Counts 5 Counts
No of document Generated 25 Counts 15 Counts
Code accuracy 50 Counts 10 Coutns


It’s not very clear for me how it relates to the original question about MongoDB-like dashboard…

Anyway, probably Table plugin would fit for your needs: