Is there a way to import a csv into dashboard

My requirement is to import a csv into Grafana dashboard, and do all kinds of filtering in Grafana dashboard. Is there a way to import csv in Grafana?

Hi Muralikottakota
I’m trying the same, but wasn’t successful yet.

It seems, you Grafana need to get the data from a database like InfluxDB.
So first, you need to move your data from CSV to InfluxDB .

There is a tool for doing so witch is telegraf.
Must you must give telegraf a telegraf.conf file, to let know how are your data organised in the CSV, so telegraf can manage your data as expected.

Hope this can help.
Could you tell if you’re successful.

Alternative way .

Hi, I know this is old, but yes you can. I used the cab plugin this week and it’s excellent. You need to put the csv into a website like IIS and point to that. I have a power shell script outing my csv there every 5 mins.

Hi all - late reply to this thread but since this topic was originally posted, a CSV plugin is available for Grafana here:

The basics of this plugin is that if you install it into your Grafana, it will allow you to create a data source that fetches CSV from anything you can address with a URL endpoint. For example, there is a public GDELT API that returns CSV data about news headlines around the world. If I wanted to get CSV out of this:

Then I could use the CSV plugin linked above, specifying as the URL, and then in the “Misc” section, specifying query=grafana&mode=timelinevolinfo&TIMELINESMOOTH=5&format=csv as the query param.

This is pretty flexible because any kind of CSV data you can get from any endpoint gets into Grafana easily, like any other data source.