What Grafana version are you using?
[v9.3.8 (7ab70dbce8)]
What are you trying to achieve?
I have the following data from a Prometheus metric azurerm_resource_info
Is there a way in grafana to create a dashboard that will show I have x number of resource created 1 month ago, y number of resources 2 months ago, z number of resources this month etc?
- How are you trying to achieve it?
Using the following prom query
sum by(tag_env_creation, resourcename) (azurerm_resource_info{ provider=~"managedclusters", tag_env_creation!=""})
Under query options, I have set Format to Table, and Type to Instant.
Next, I have used Transform → “Convert field type” and convert tag_env_creation filed as “Time”
I can output the result in a grafana table and using Override “Field with name → Standard options > unit → From now”, I have in the table, each raw have the resource name and when it was created (4 months ago, 3 months ago,2 months ago).
I cannot figure out how to extract in a dashboard how many resources are created 4 months ago,3 months etc…
Any help would be appreciated.