I want to change the Abosolute time range use the mysql store start time and end time data?
The mysql data is
Grafana version: v7.5.3
Data source type & version: mysql
OS Grafana is installed on: Windows 10
User OS & Browser: Chrome on Windows 10
Grafana plugins: Only built-in plugins
Sorry for the delay. I’m not sure there is a way to change that default behavior without modifying the source code. Here are some places where react-calendar is called in our codebase. Not sure but this effect might be built-in to that compnent:
I come here to ask the same question, in our case we want to change the Absolute time range, so that the end day cannot be anything sooner than 2 weeks ago. This would imply removing all quick filters such as last 24h, last day, etc etc all the way until removing until last 7 days.