How to change pie chart Color


How can I change the pie chart colour?

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Can someone help me with this to change the color?

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Try after enabled “Legend Values” at Options

tried and still the same, unable to change colour

I was able to change colors by editing Panel Json.
Example, I’m showing HTTP response codes, so added this to the Json (Panel Title>More>Panel Json) just after the first “{”:
“aliasColors”: {
“200”: “#629e51”,
“400”: “#f9934e”,
“500”: “#e24d42”

You can change the color in the legend. You have to enable the legend for this, but you can disable it after that.

Can u please explain more .i dont see any option to change colour.

You can change the color by clicking on the little colorful line in the legend, that’s why it has to be enabled.



Which Grafana version are you using? If you are using 9+, here you can find the color palette:

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Thanks . Now i can see the option.

Excellent…it works

Thanks, it is working!!!

This is the correct answer. It worked! Thank you very much!
What it does is that it ends up creating an Override for the Field_Name to Color_Scheme automatically after you select the color using the Legend approach.