How to build a dashboard to record alert firing per minutes and mainly alert info

I already have some alert on Grafana. I want to statistic the alert frequency. And main alert info.
I found a screenshot on Grafana Blog like below. How can I generate the dashboard like the screenshot. My grafana service wasn’t use Grafana cloud. Thanks.

Image URL: Grafana alert state history: What's new and improved in Grafana 10

Enable alert state history:

and then use LogQL on top of your alert history in Loki to generate metric alert firing per minutes.

Thanks your replyment.
I have another question.
Can Grafana alert to call external URL when firing and resolved alert?
We want to receive the alert info and build ourslef system. Thanks.

Check webhook type contact point.

I am a newer Grafana.
Are there any more detailed tutorials?
I didn’t understand the Loki and Grafana relationship.
I can find alert history. How to use LogQL to query?

It is a good idea to check doc, when you are not familiar with terms, e. g.

Thanks your reply.