How to apply conditional threshold on a table

I have a table want to apply threshold on con column t2 based on custom condition i.e.
if value of t2 > t3 then the t2 column value should be changed to red, which means the value 85 and 110 should be highlighted with red color.
if value of t2 < t4 then the t2 column value should be changed to orange, which means the value 25 should be highlighted with orange color

table snapshot attached for quick reference.
Is it possible to do so? Any help would be highly appreciated!

I am trying to do the same thing. Any resolution for this question???

config from query transformation

along with

but this will require something like this in your datasource query (this is a sample)

with src

  select 'test_14' as t1, 25 as t2, 80 as t3, 35 t4 union
  select 'test_11' as t1, 85 as t2, 80 as t3, 40 t4
select *,
  case when t2 > t3 then '#FF0000'
   when t2 < t4 then '#FFA500'
  end  Color
 from src