How to add Linux Server connection on self-hosted grafana
what are you trying to visualize
Cpu / ram and traffic usage of my linux server
you cant do it directly. you need to export these values
check this out.
I installed prometheus and node exporter succesfully and its works. But I can’t add it to grafana. I get this error.
Post “http://ip:1027/api/v1/query”: dial tcp ip:1027: i/o timeout - There was an error returned querying the Prometheus API.
Please checkout the doco on prometheus with grafana
I think its for older version of grafana. There is no access type selection on add data source => prometheus
I think you didn’t understand me. I want take metrics of my another server to grafana and see it on graph. I installed node exporter to target server. I installed prometheus to my grafana’s server and when I look this docs = Grafana | Prometheus
there is should be
access type selection. But Its not.
Why are you using port 1027?
bcuz its Pterodactyl Panel. Its like vm but a little bit weird than vms
Its shouldn’t make problem I think. or is it?
what do you see when you go to
so things are working but there is a timeout issue. you need to sort that out with your hosting company? Does not seem to be a grafana issue.
where is grafana installed? Same hosting company or grafana cloud?
all softwares and vms in datacenter there are my own servers. Its no local communication issues. I double checked that.
look for that error in github etc
wait I think I found issue. BRB
The issue is => I use Docker version of Promethus and I relaized ip:1027/api/v1 isn’t responde. I tried install promethus to same server with node exporter and test it with grafana ip/api/v1 is respond succesfully. I think its docker issue. THX for help <3
That’s hacking but I like it