How is Home Page Built?

I am trying to create a custom home page so, I examined the default home page that comes with the basic on premise Grafana (v 8.1.0) installation. What I found, I don’t understand. I would like to understand how the panels work on the default Home page.

First, the Welcome banner at the top of the page looks like this

When I edit this panel, I see nothing that looks familiar. Here is the JSON for this panel.

{  "id": 23763571993,
  "gridPos": { "h": 3, "w": 24, "x": 0, "y": 0 },
  "type": "welcome",
  "datasource": null  }

There is no reference to the text “Welcome to Grafana”, no links, nothing that I see on the panel. And, what is "type": "welcome" ?? There is no panel type Welcome and no plugin I can find for this. I’ve looked through the documentation but I can’t find anything that explains this.

There is also a Getting Started panel with similar JSON except with "type": "gettingstarted".

I like these panels and I’d like to create something similar for my own home page but I don’t understand how these two panels were created or how they work.

If the information is somewhere in the documentation, just point me in the right direction.