Histogram by day

Hi all , i’m new in Grafana, and i seach every where but not found this very simple question :
i want to display Bar graphic by day (Mon, Tues … or 12/07/19 , 13/07/19) for X axis
and the total count of accumulated counter read on InfluxDB, by day , on Y axes

This is the actual RAW “counter” value in influxDB:

> select counter from stations
name: stations
time                counter
----                -------
1562928831000000000 11
1562928861000000000 12
1562928891000000000 13
1562928921000000000 13
1562928951000000000 14
1562928981000000000 14

This is the result in grafana :

in red what i want

We can see wrong numbers : last day, the counter finished the day at 20 : it display 15938

Can someone help me fill the fields properly ?

Thank you


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