Hi all,
I could use some help with what seems like a simple use case against a Prometheus data source.
I have a memory usage gauge that tracks bytes used:
2284568576 @1598513884.967 2284568576 @1598513914.967 ...
I would like to display a bar graph of hourly, daily, or weekly rollups of those values. For an hourly interval for example the values displayed should be
avg_over_time(pod:meter_memory_usage:joined{...}[1h]) between 9am and 10am avg_over_time(pod:meter_memory_usage:joined{...}[1h]) between 10am and 11am
I have been experimenting with steps and intervals but I can’t figure out how exactly those work against the Prometheus datasource. If I use
as a query I am getting a smoothed out graph with too many steps.
($interval is an Interval variable I defined on the dashboard)
If I additionally set “Min step” in the query editor to $interval, the graph kind of looks right, but I can’t convince myself that it is accurate… basically because I am not sure I understand how interval, step, resolution and related variables interact?
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!
Edit: I just confirmed that the query above doesn’t yield the right results. With interval =1 hour I get hourly totals between 50G and 100G for a given day, and if I change interval to 1 day I am getting a single 250G value