Hello, is any known performance limitation for Grafana ? How much data /users can it handle ? Thanks

Hello, is any known performance limitation for Grafana ?
for example,
How much data can it handle per seconds ?
How many users can it handle parallel?

This is too general a question, with many factors influencing the possible

Leaving aside the question of “what hardware is it running on?”, the main
factors I can think of are:

  • which type of data is being processed (numeric, text, integer, floating
  • which back-end data store/s is/are being used, and what is the performance?
  • how efficient are the queries being used (is it an appropriate language for
    such queries; if the data store supports indexes, are they optimised; how
    complex are they in general)?
  • how often are the queries being performed (update rate of the dashboard)?
  • how small are the time intervals in the stored data, and what timescale are
    the queries being performed over?

and in the case of “how many users can it handle?”

  • which web server is being used to service the clients?
  • what network bandwidth is available?
  • quite possibly, which web browsers are the clients using?
  • how often are users refreshing dashboards or changing from one dashboard to

I’m sure there’s plenty more, but those are the things I can immediately think
of which mean there’s no generalised answer to the question “what performance
can Grafana provide?”


Thanks for the answer, Antony.

Grafana itself has no limitation. The prototype analysis is the only way to know the limitation. Right ? @pooh