Graphing boolean after a serie of promql queries

Hello there,

I’ve a webservice I monitor using PromQL query for alerting

absent(probe_success{job="blackbox-http-ping"}) == 1 or
probe_success{job="blackbox-http-ping"} == 0 or 
probe_failed_due_to_regex{job="blackbox-http-ping"} == 1

so the alert is triggered if absent(probe_success{job="blackbox-http-ping"}) == 1 or probe_success{job="blackbox-http-ping"} == 0 or probe_failed_due_to_regex{job="blackbox-http-ping"} == 1

Now I’d like to use the same data to display status of this webservice in a dashboard using singlestat widget. I like to have green or red background depending of the status. green if absent(probe_success{job="blackbox-http-ping"}) == 0 and probe_success == 1 and probe_failed_due_to_regex{job="blackbox-http-ping"}, red if probe_success{job="blackbox-http-ping"} == 0 or probe_failed_due_to_regex{job="blackbox-http-ping"} == 1

The problem is I’m failing to get the grips how to get singlestat to display if one of the tests has failed in this series of queries. I’ve read Booleans, logic and math – Robust Perception | Prometheus Monitoring Experts, so I’ve did the following query

absent(probe_success{job="blackbox-http-ping"}) == bool 0 AND 
probe_success{job="blackbox-http-ping"} == bool 1 AND 
probe_failed_due_to_regex{job="blackbox-http-ping"} == bool 0

but I’m getting no data.

Thanks for your help.