We are capturing our logs with promtail into loki.
We have log lines like this:
some prefix duration: 102.03 ms some more text...
some prefix duration: 309.19 ms some more text...
some prefix duration: 426.43 ms some more text...
some prefix duration: 572.82 ms some more text...
I want to see a graph of the duration from these log lines.
I entered this query in a Grafana Dashboard in a time series panel with the loki data source:
{host="somehostname",filename="/path/to/some.log"} # filtering the logfile
|= "some prefix duration:" # filtering just the lines with duration
| pattern "<_> duration: <duration> ms" # get the duration from line with a pattern
I used some Transformations:
- Labels to fields
- Convert field type
- Merge
I see a graph, but it is cut off at the line limit (default 1000).
Looks like I have to make time series from data coming from a logline. Any suggestions?