Grafonnet-lib templates

I am using grafonnet-lib to generate dashboards in Grafana. I see a template for the type graph visualization: grafonnet-lib/graph_panel.libsonnet at master · grafana/grafonnet-lib · GitHub. I want to create a time series visualization rather than graph, but I do not see a template for it. How can I generate a time series visualization rather than graph?

Hey I was just troubleshooting this issue, It’s not listed in the API, however I was able to get around it by just using a regular graph panel, was able to visualize the data in a very similar way.

The time series panel not exists in Grafonnet but I found a workaround adding " + {type: ‘timeseries’}" at the end of my graphPanel declaration.
It’s like creating a GraphPanel and overriding the type at the end.


        title = '${site_list}',
        datasource = '_mpgcov1-nonprd-gcp.influxdb.main.TelegrafPing'
            query="SELECT min(\"minimum_response_ms\") FROM \"TelegrafPing\".\"ping\" WHERE (\"SITE\" = '${site_list}') AND (\"FORMAT\" = 'Hyper') AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time(5m) fill(null)"
            matcher: { id: 'byFrameRefID', options: 'A' },
            properties: [ 
                { id: 'color', value: { mode: 'fixed', fixedColor: 'light-green' } },
                { id: 'displayName', value: 'min' } 
    + {type: 'timeseries'}
    + {gridPos: {x: 0, y: 2, w: 24, h: 16}}