I have just installed Grapfana on a ubuntu VM via esxi6.5. I can log into grafana via community.grafana.com, but for some reason grafana doesnt seem to get an IP address?
the startup log states 0:0:0:0 for the ip address? I have tried to manually change the config.ini file to add the ip address of my local host ( but that does not fix the problem.
Is there something else i should be doing?
Do you have a firewall blocking access to grafana by ip?
I don’t have any specific firewall rules set up to block access. I think it might be something to do with Linux getting access to port 3000?
I’m running Ubuntu 16.04 and have no problem accessing my local Grafana instance on my current IP, i.e.
Could it be a esxi network issue? Can you ping the machine using external ip for example?
yes i can ping the machine. I access the machine using a webgui and vmware esxi.
Okay. Just to clarify my earlier answer. I’m on Grafana v5.0. I used the default grafana configuration:
# Protocol (http, https, socket)
protocol = http
# The ip address to bind to, empty will bind to all interfaces
http_addr =
# The http port to use
http_port = 3000
# The public facing domain name used to access grafana from a browser
domain = localhost
What grafana version are you using?
You just need to bind ip address in server section of grafana.ini configuration file.
http_addr =
Hope it works for you.
Hi. I have same problem. I modified the grafana.ini but doesn’t fix my problem. I don’t have firewall.
I have faced similar issue but I am having different setup than what is describe over here, I set local IP to the system and the same local IP were natted with public IP so ideally I don’t need to make any changes to grafana.ini file, because whenever we going access it from outside network because it is natted IP it translates public IP to local IP and vise-versa so if anyone face such issue then please share your work around of this issue and I have tried it got no luck with this setting.