This is a continuation to my earlier post:
I was able to find a workaround to make Grafana run on my Mac. I did not use homebrew because of the error mentioned above, but instead ran the following:
grafana-server --config=/usr/local/etc/grafana/grafana.ini --homepath /usr/local/share/grafana cfg:default.paths.logs=/usr/local/var/log/grafana cfg:default.paths.plugins=/usr/local/var/lib/grafana/plugin
This works and I am able to access the Grafana page in my browser. But unfortunately it has somehow bound itself to home IP address and works only at home.
If I access this in office (a different IP), it fails with the error:
**EROR[07-02|14:26:40] Startup failed **
error="Fail to start server. error: listen tcp XXX.XXX.0.XXX:3000: bind: can’t assign requested address"
The IP address which is shown in the error message is actually my home IP.
I don’t see any IP address hardcoded or HTTP binding in the grafana.ini file. Any tips on how to get past this error and use my grafana at office too?
Thanks in advance.