I am forwarding data from Telegraf to my dashboard instance thus:
url = "http://localhost:3000/api/live/push/measurements"
data_format = "influx"
namepass = ["measurements"]
Authorization = "Bearer <secret>"
I am using nginx on the front with the requisite settings to support websockets that work (i.e. Grafana is not complaining about websocket issues).
My experience so far:
- When it’s working it’s fine if I don’t touch anything.
- If I change the time range I often stop seeing data.
- If a new device comes online (e.g. an additional unique combination of labels) I often stop seeing data or the new device isn’t seen.
- If a new device publishes data when a non-ascii element changes then sometimes the data drops away.
It just doesn’t seem to work. It’s obviously possible this is user error or something about my inputs (e.g. the label set I have is quite long, involving maybe 20 labels).
Is this the general expectation, i.e. this feature is nowhere near ready for prime time?