I have created the CPU usage alert when it reaches 80% in time series data.I set the condition A now 5m to now
when Last A above 80.
I am getting the alert when cpu usage reaches 80 max and receving the correct value in notification mail but when cpu usage is ok (state is going normal) the value getting null or incorrect in Resolved alert.Please see the attachments.
I have received the incorrect value in resolved notification when state is normal.Value should be below 50% when i received the resolved notification.
basically i want the correct value when state is alerting and when state is normal but some times i am getting incorrect value and sometime getting NULL value.I am not know where i am wrong.
Thanks, I have followed the suggestions (reduce + math expression) but the problem persists, the value of the condition (in my case C) continues to appear as 1 in the email from resolved. Below are the screenshots of the rule and the emails with the firing and resolving status. C is the alert condition.
The version of grafana that I am using is: 9.5.7
and the datasource is InfluxDB 2.6.1