Grafana RADIUS Auth Support

Hello -

Just discovered this great product, we’ve been running a long time on Zabbix/Cacti instances but phasing out the later since Zabbix 3.2.

I got to say this is exactly what we’ve been trying to find time to develop in house and now have no need - we can import all our tools, Zabbix, nTop, Splunk etc now.

One feature I don’t seem able to find any DOCs on is RADIUS Auth - using our existing RADIUS usage for Grafana authentication and role assignment. Am i just missing this or is there no RADIUS support? Is there any planned support or a workaround besides ‘inviting’ users to create their own access?


If radius support oauth you should be able to integrate with Grafana using the generic oauth configuration.



any update about this?
I’m trying to get my GRAFANA work with 2FA RADIUS
can someone please help me with that?


Here is a tutorial showing how to configure grafana to use Radius authentication.

Grafana support the Apache HTTP authentication, so you integrate the APache server to Radius and forward the user account to Grafana.