Grafana-oracle-datasource plugin Error - Failed to unmarshal detailed response from backend plugin

Hi, I’ve installed grafana-oracle-datasource locally and when i try to connect it gives me error Failed to unmarshal detailed response from backend plugin

logger=context userId=1 orgId=1 uname=admin t=2024-05-20T11:50:03.6239748+05:00 level=error msg=“Failed to unmarshal detailed response from backend plugin” error=“invalid character ‘P’ in string escape code” remote_addr=[::1] traceID=

Did you find the solution i have the same error for mongodb plugin

@akramnejjari726 This issue occurs because some data sources, like MongoDB and Oracle, require an activated Grafana Enterprise license to function properly. You can check the requirements here: MongoDB Plugin Requirements.
However, I found that using Grafana Cloud works for Oracle.