Grafana K6 Output send to Splunk / Grafana

Hi, I am trying to purpose one of my customer to utilize Grafana K6 for API load testing.
We have our cloud native application(Most of applications developed using Springboot framework) hosted on aws cloud. I need your suggestions and help to finalize the procedure to set up the load testing framework using Grafana K6.
Option which I could think of right now :

  1. Runt the load test on particular Environment (DEV/TEST) using Azure Pipeline, Once the Applications are up and then print logs to Splunk, then we can use Splunk dashboard for metrics. We have Splunk for log monitoring.
  2. Not sure on how I can get the server metrics , which is running on K8 and hosted on AWS.
  3. How can I host Grafana dashboard using Azure pipeline, so the K6 results can be stream to Grafana?

Let me know if any other best practices followed to set up load testing framework using K6.

Hey @sujeetp06,
you should evaluate using Grafana Cloud k6, because it solves already all the issues you are facing.
You have there also the option to run the test locally (or in any other machine, like CI pipelines) and stream the metrics results to the Cloud. In this way, you can run the script whatever you want but use Grafana Cloud k6 to visualize and get the insights on your test.

You can do that by running the command: k6 run -o cloud script.js.

Instead, if you don’t want to use the Cloud then you have to use one of the other real-time metrics output. Check the documentation Real time | Grafana k6 documentation.
Note, that Splunk seems to support OpenTelemetry, so you might use the OTel output for it.

I hope it helps.

Thank you very much for the guidance. As of now we are exploring open source version only.
Let me go through the link shared by you. One quick question , is it possible to view reports on CI pipeline?
On local i am running as below :
docker-compose file has 3 services (influx,grafana and k6)
Step-1 : docker-compose up -d influx and grafana
Step-2 : docker compose run --rm k6 run /scripts/script.js
Can I run same steps in pipeline and see the result using grafana dashboard ?