Grafana graph set window between data points

I have input from AWS.
When I’m selection last 15 min I see data points every 1 min
When I’m selecting bigger data range window between each data point is 5 min
When I’m selecting 1 yer window between data points is 1 day.
So when its combine data its SUM or AVG
So how can I define window size. I want 1 week 1 value count.

Not sure but maybe the Period field on the Metrics tab would work?

Yes it is working but only for last 15 days when I’m selecting last 20 days its not working (Everything is bigger 15 days not working)

Yes it is working but only for last 15 days when I’m selecting last 20 days its not working (Everything is bigger 15 days not working)

Yes it is working but only for last 15 days when I’m selecting last 20 days its not working (Everything is bigger 15 days not working)