What Grafana version and what operating system are you using?
Grafana Cloud v8.0.3 and macOS -
What are you trying to achieve?
I want to present the time series data in a plot panel and allow the client to download data from the panel using the inspect data option. -
How are you trying to achieve it?
I’m using the old graph panel to plot my time series data. All of my data is store in InfluxDB and I’m using flux to retrieve data. -
What happened?
When I tried to download CSV file using inspect data, I was not able to download all the columns in 1 file. Under data options, when I selected the “Series joined by time” from the “Show data frame” drop-down list, it will show no data. I can only download 1 column of data at a time by selecting other drop-down options under “Show data frame”. I’m not sure how I can download all of the data other than using “Series joined by time”. -
What did you expect to happen?
Previously when I use InfluxQL to retrieve data, I can download all of the data by selecting “Series joined by time” from the “Show data frame” drop-down. However, after I switch to flux, I was not able to do this anymore. Is this an issue with flux? Or is there any function I can use in flux to resolve this issue? Also, I noticed that after Grafana is updated to v8, the graph panel we use previously become “Graph (old)”. Not sure if this is the cause of this issue. I also tried to use the time series panel to plot my data but still couldn’t achieve what I want. -
Can you copy/paste the configuration(s) that you are having problems with?
When I tried to use “Series joined by time” from the “Show data frame” drop-down to download all the data, it shows no data.
I can only download 1 column of data at a time by selecting other drop-down options under “Show data frame”.
Did you receive any errors in the Grafana UI or in related logs? If so, please tell us exactly what they were.
No. -
Did you follow any online instructions? If so, what is the URL?
No, I haven’t found any post similar to this.
Hey there, i have the same issue. Have you solved the problem?
Welcome @bleach8591 to the Grafana forum. Since the post from @airsencetech was about 3 years old, I am not sure s/he is going to reply, but if you share some screenshots of what you are seeing, you should be able to get all your data into 1 CSV.
Example from my data:
One Flux query that retrieves two fields (both of which have the same timestamp): Actual and Setpoint
Two transformations that use Setpoint to determine LCL and UCL:
Inspect > Data for the Actual:
and the Setpoint:
Setpoint and Actual together (“joined by time”…remember they have the same timestamp)
With the two transformations: