I am testing grafana alerting with Grafana V9.0.3 version.
My current Stack is:
Telegraf for gathering logs
influxDB for storing logs
Grafana for dashboard.
Now I have configured unified alerts in grafana, and I am receiving emails also. however, in each alert rule, I have two more expressions to validate and when I receive the email I see 2 or more expressions data in the email. I see documentation, but they documented it for the Prometheus data source and the same labels are not working in my case.
here is the link which I followed.
Below is the alert image, and email image from my grafana and I want only Var B in value filed in the email.
Can you please help me to achieve this?
I know I should make the changes in the ng alert HTML file so that it will reflect all the alerts, and currently, it has {{.ValueString }} in Value. but I don’t know what i need to change to get only Var B.