Grafana 9.20 (Percona Monitoring)


I’m having an issue with Google Chat alterts. It used to work fine, I have created an template and I was recieving the notification on Google Chat with Title and the the details from the labels.

For the past few 2 months (I don’t know to be honest if it’s something from Percona Monitoring, but it’s Grafana based) I only recieve the Title of the notification (Not the labels - summary as I used to recieve). This issue only happens with Google Chat, on Telegram or email which I tried, I recieve the whole notification as it should be (Title and Text)

Screenshot from 2024-09-04 09-51-51

It used to be like this:

[FIRING:1] pmm_agent_down Alerting Rule (/agent_id/437486c0-e000-4520-81f0-230621d90ac4 pmm-agent 0 OS pmm-server pmm-managed /node_id/c1886df7-fe9e-4860-94db-d8673f9490e1 node_name 1 critical pmm_agent_down 2.41.2)

[FIRING:1] pmm_agent_down Alerting Rule (/agent_id/437486c0-e000-4520-81f0-230621d90ac4 pmm-agent 0 OS pmm-server pmm-managed /node_id/c1886df7-fe9e-4860-94db-d8673f9490e1 Node_name 1 critical pmm_agent_down 2.41.2)**Firing**

Value: [ var='A' labels={agent_id=/agent_id/437486c0-e000-4520-81f0-230621d90ac4, agent_type=pmm-agent, disabled=0, instance=pmm-server, job=pmm-managed, node_id=/node_id/c1886df7-fe9e-4860-94db-d8673f9490e1, node_name=node_name, version=2.41.2} value=1 ]
 - alertname = pmm_agent_down Alerting Rule
 - agent_id = /agent_id/437486c0-e000-4520-81f0-230621d90ac4
 - agent_type = pmm-agent
 - disabled = 0
 - grafana_folder = OS
 - instance = pmm-server
 - job = pmm-managed
 - node_id = /node_id/c1886df7-fe9e-4860-94db-d8673f9490e1
 - node_name = node_name
 - percona_alerting = 1
 - severity = critical
 - template_name = pmm_agent_down
 - version = 2.41.2
 - description = PMM agent on node 'node_name', node ID '/node_id/c1886df7-fe9e-4860-94db-d8673f9490e1', cannot be reached. Host may be down.
 - summary = PMM agent on node node_name' cannot be reached. Host may be down.```

Also tried another simple grafana 11.1.3 version selfhosted, has the same issue (Default settings on everything).

Grafana Cloud worked.

I’ve done some extra testing with another instances. To mention on other channels (email, telegram) I get the right information.

So for Google Chat:

Grafana Cloud Trial: Works as expected (Title and Values)
PMM (Grafana 9.20) - Docker Compose - HTTPS: Only Title
Grafana 11.20 - Docker Compose OSS - Traefik for HTTPS: Only Title
Grafana 11.20 - Docker OSS Image without https: Works as Expected.

After all the issue was on the docker compose, where the GF_ enviroment variable for URL was in " ". After removing them, the Google Chat Notification worked as expected.