Grafana 2 panel hinzufügen

Ich bin gerade dabei mir ein dashbord für mein solar vorhaben zu erstellen jedoch kann ich nur ein panel erstellen. Haben oben rechts nicht den button um ein 2. Oder 3. Panel hinzuzufügen. Wer kann mir weiter helfen

I’m currently trying to create a dashboard for my solar project, but I can only create one panel. I don’t have the button in the top right to add a 2nd or 3rd panel. Who can help me?

welcome @patrickheller84

what version of grafana and what is your data source? mysql? influx?

Please post in English

My version is Grafana v11.2.0 (2a88694fd3)



influxql or flux query language?

please share sample data

Are you sure you’re using “Dashboards” feature? For me it seems you’re using “Explore” feature. Double check that.

Yes, I’ve already created 2 panels in 2 different dashbords and also saved them when I go to edit, but I can’t add a 2

Since I’m still a beginner, I can’t say for sure, use node Red, influxdb 1.8 and grafana. Where can I find it exactly