Getting grafana templating init failed [object object]

While adding a new variable in template whenever I choose “On dashboard load” option in Refresh section for more than two variable in a single dashboard then it gives the error “Getting grafana templating init failed [object object]”.
I am using Grafana version 4.3.2 and KairosDb as data source.

Also after refreshing the dashboard one of the variables doesn’t show any values.

If I don’t choose “On dashboard load” for more than two variables then it works fine.

Can you open chrome dev tools and see if you can get a more detailed error in the dev tools console.

It is a probably bug in the KairosDB that it returns [object Object] rather than the actual error message.

KairosDB gives the values but after refreshing the dashboard it disappears.
If I select “Never” instead of “On dashboard load” in the Refresh section then it works fine.
Problem occurs only if i select “On dashboard load” for more than two variables otherwise it works.

yes, but did you see what the actual error is (afer selecting “On dashboard load”)?

that is the error I am getting console.

Let me know if you want me to expand any object.

Hi Daniellee, Let me know if you need any other details about the error.

i have same error

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@ankitpareek sorry, forgot about this when I went on vacation. [Object Object] as the error message is a bug in the error reporting of the Kairos DB data source. Did you figure out the problem?

@murryy79 That’s not the same error. In your case, it is easy to see what the error is. Grafana cannot reach the server: “502 (Bad Gateway)”. Maybe it is a DNS or firewall problem?

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Thanks @daniellee
We found Prometheus VM was down. Further drilling found no space in filesystem

/dev/sdc1 4.8G 4.1G 442M 91% /var/vcap/store

Removed this directory to resolve

How do we prevent this from happening again ?


@murryy79 I don’t know. Maybe worth searching through the Prometheus docs or asking on their google group.

Hi how can I solve this error, thanks

I saw this error then the IP/hostname of the prometheus server changed.

1、The grafana I used is grafana-6.4.0-1.x86_64.rpm;
2、The Prometheus I used is “prometheus-2.0.0.linux-amd64”;
3、The node_exporter I used is “node_exporter-0.18.1.linux-amd64”;
4、The Dashboards template I use is “Node Exporter v0.16–0.18” and its ID is: 10262

But what I see on the granfana interface is "Templating init failed Cannot read property ‘result’ of undefined"