Geographical data in Grafana

I was wondering about the possibilities to show geographical data stored in a PostGIS table. Are there plugins available to achieve this?

Currently it looks to me as if Geomap supports point (marker) data, but cannot handle the geometry object of a PostGIS table, and Geoloop seems to work only with GeoJson…


Hello @tomgeodk ,

Were you able to plot PostGIS geometries on a map in grafana?

Appreciate any tips if you have any.

I am using the orchestras cities map in grafana. To display point data from my postgis database, I need to do

select st_x(st_transform(point,4326)) as lon, st_y(st_transform(point,4326)) as lat (…) where ‘point’ is the column where the geometry is stored.

can you share simple set of data with ddl and dml?

create table places(point datatype?)

insert into place
select SELECT 28579384759834

as we do not have access to your database. This way we will be on the same page with identical reference point(s)