Generating Metrics subtracting the latency of a child span from the parent span - PERCENTILES

I’m using the Metrics-Generator and the span metrics processor.
The goal is the same described in this topic: subtracting the latency of a child span (for example the time spent calling an external service) from the latency of the parent span.

For example, after the ingestion of metrics into Prometheus, the query below returns the difference between the parent span and the child span:

traces_spanmetrics_latency_sum{span_name="GET /open-telemetry-web/myapp/myrest"} - on () traces_spanmetrics_latency_sum{span_name="GET"}

so, it’s also possible calculate the average latency of the parent span without the latency of the child span:

(traces_spanmetrics_latency_sum{span_name="GET /open-telemetry-web/myapp/myrest"} - on () traces_spanmetrics_latency_sum{span_name="GET"} ) / on () traces_spanmetrics_latency_count{span_name="GET /open-telemetry-web/myapp/myrest"}

But what about percentiles? The metric traces_spanmetrics_latency_bucket can be used to calculate percentiles of single spans, but it can’t be used for calculating a percentile of the latency of the parent span without the latency of child span.