Failed to get trace with id:<ID> Status: 500 Internal Server Error Body: trace exceeds max size (max bytes: 3000000)

Hi Team,
I am using GrafanaCloud for tracing. I have configured OTEL collector agent to send the traces to Grafana Cloud. OpenTelemetry data is sent from ASP.NET applications on the same host and the agent sends data to the (Tempo endpoint) cloud.

Able to see the traces on the Grafana dashboard with table & time series when i run the application for 15mins.
But when i run the application continuously for 30mins and getting the below error while explore the trace details,

“failed to get trace with id: Status: 500 Internal Server Error Body: trace exceeds max size (max bytes: 3000000)
(Trace ID: <4cxxxxxxxxxx>)” and able to see the trace id in table panel but when i click that trace id it is showing this error.

Any idea why am i getting this? or else any configurations should i consider?

Apparently, you have generated a huge trace, which has more than 3MB - and that’s limit which can be exceeded when you are reading a trace. Are you sure that you have correct implementation in

Yes we have correctly implemented. Is there any way to increase/customize the trace limit size?

We removed the unwanted traces from our application. That reduced the size of the trace data.