I use Grafana v9.5.14. I am using HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageUsed and HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageSize for my virtual machine to see the used / size ratio. I have 2 queries, in query A, I have the storageUsed, and in query B, storageSize. For example, I used the query
|> filter(fn: (r) => r[“_field”] == “hrStorageUsed” or r[“_field”] == “snAgGblDynMemUtil”), for the storageUsed. And for the storaSize, the exact same manner used in query B, too.
In Grafana, however, when I try to operate an expression ($A / $B ) * 100 my dashboard is as follows:
Here, the values are not processed as a result of the expression above, but the exact storageSize values shown for each indexes. I need to see the ratio between them. I also want to note that there is also a physical system with another ip address added, which works fine. The mib is “FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB::snAgGblDynMemUtil”, the unit in percentage, so no need for calculation:
I also tried to use transform > add field from calculation. but the fields are not seem quite right because of many different hrStorageDescr fields. Is there a way to do the calculation?