Error updating options: t[e].add is not a function

I recently update my grafana from 7.5.7 to 9.1.2
Everything seems to work fine except variables.
I keep getting “Error updating options: t[e].add is not a function” if i try to edit the variable or when the variables get updated ( on load or time range change depending on what was selected )

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Is this on a specific dashboard or whole grafana?

For all dashboard using variables from mongodb.
But i think i found a work around, if i remove all panels and add them again one by one it seem to work. Just going to take for ever if i need to do this on 40+ dashboards.
I get an “upgrade” options on the graph panels, but that does not seem to be enlugh to fix them

Could be an issue withthr plugin mongodb, uninstall that plug-in and resintall?

Removing all panels and dashboards doesn’t work form me, but I get a similar error for templating, and it is the third time of remaking a dashboard all over again:

Error updating options: cannot add property body_type.

If there is someome over at Grafana that has a solution that does not imply a workaround that’d be fantastic.

We’re also facing this issue. We’re seeing Templating Template variable service failed t[e].add is not a function error when we toggle any dropdown(including time range selector)

I am also facing this problem. Is anyone working on a solution for this?

Experiencing the same issue here. It’s quite interesting how this buggy extension can be advertised as made by Grafana, but fails for basic use cases.

This issue should now be fixed via: Dashboards: Skip inherited object variable names by jarben · Pull Request #79567 · grafana/grafana · GitHub

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