Dynatrace Plugin Error


I’ve got a problem with the Dynatrace Plugin. When I create a new Data Source “Dynatrace” i get the following Error: “context deadline exceeded”

It tries to connect to:

Get “https://dynatraceTest.ch/e/d24a8366-4593-48bb-ab83-f5184afcacd8/api/v2/metrics?pageSize=5000&fields=aggregationTypes,dimensionDefinitions,defaultAggregation,displayName,unit,entityType”: context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

In Dynatrace I already created a new API Token with all rights.

May somebody can help me?


Hi Fabian, the Dynatrace plugin is an Enterprise Plugin, so I have raised an issue for investigation with our Enterprise Plugins team - i’ll be in touch shortly with an update!