Display the stat of a machin ON/OFF On statue panel grafana

hi everyone i want ask if i can use this to display stat of a machin ON/OFF with statue panel i have 18 Machines so i want to know the state of each one something like the pic below i use node red and influx-db and last version in Grafana
the data is a json format key value i am hearing for any idea

please answer me and how data will be looks like …

I would use a bolean data stored in Influx with a retention policy very short… Grafana reads this data and you override the “1” or “0” with some text and color

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can you please show me how or a pic of your result please i have 1 /0 in influxdb too

At this moment I do not have an example in my dashboard, but it is easy to do using “Stat Panel” and this configuration:

Or using the newest functionality “Overrides” tab:

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