Text in String displaying in Stat Panel

Grafana v10.2.0 (895fbafb7a) in docker, fed from Node-Red and InfluxDB V2

I’m trying to display the Text Status “ACTIVE”,“MUTE”, “STANDBY”, “ON_CHARGER”, “UNKNOWN” for various items, 11 in total.

I’m pushing a string from Node-Red into Influx
TX_STATUS_Space2_8: “MUTE”

I can’t work out how to display a stat box which I can map the value of to change the colour. presently I can’t work out how to map the appropriate fields.

SELECT “TX_STATUS_Courtside_Restaurant_1” FROM “Microflex” WHERE $timeFilter

What am I doing wrong? is there a better way?

Maybe this with value mapping?

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Thanks @yosiasz for the speedy response, I’d like to have the display something like this

Was your original question answered?

sorry not yet, I can do a stat panel with a single instance in it but if I have multiple units I can’t work out how to display it correctly.