I have a dashboard running queries against SQL Server, and one of my new requirements is to read back a text field - a MAML string - and render it, preferably, in a Text panel. Well, I don’t actually have a preference, as long as it renders in dashboard.
I know the built-in Text panel can render plain text, markup or HTML. But, it’s really not well adapted for MAML - or to put it bluntly, it doesn’t know anything about MAML. For those unfamiliar, Wikipedia has an article here on MAML itself.
It is essentially a set of proprietary XML tags that shouldn’t look all that alien to anyone who’s ever written any basic HTML. My best hope is perhaps to rework the string and substitute those MAML tags with HTML tags, but the definition for MAML suggests it’s probably too complex to try to manipulate in that way, especially since (unless there’s a better solution) I’d be trying to perform substitutions with nothing more than SQL’s string manipulation functions. Unless there’s a better Transform option, I haven’t yet looked into that.
I can probably make some headway for very simple cases, but there’s always going to be “something else” I haven’t planned for, thus me asking if anyone’s ever tried to display a block of MAML text in a Grafana dashboard. If you’ve done that, what did you end up using?