Differences between snapshots created through API and snapshots created through web UI

I have a question about snapshot feature while using Grafana, so I am posting a question to the community.

Problem Description
I am using API to create snapshot of dashboard in Grafana. However, I noticed a difference between snapshots created through the API and snapshots created through the web UI.

Snapshots through web UI:
In snapshots through the web UI, there was no problem in checking snapshot capture even if the data source server was down.

Snapshot through API:
When creating a snapshot through the API, if the data source server is down, the snapshot cannot be viewed. This causes the problem of not being able to view data through snapshots when the server is down.
When testing, the link was to a snapshot, but it seemed like the data source was being looked up each time the snapshot was opened.


  • Is there a way to allow snapshots created through the API to be viewed even when the data source server is down?
  • What is the difference between snapshots created through the web UI and snapshots created through the API?
  • Is there a setting or method to resolve this difference?

Additional Information

  • Grafana Version: 10.2.2

ps. If there is a way to set a timeout when capturing a snapshot through the API, please let me know. It is not in the API specification.