DateTime Picker By Month (First To Last Day Of Month)

Is there a plugin that exists that will allow a user to select a single month/year combination which will in turn set the datetime-from range to the first of that month and the datetime-to value to the last day of the month?


Hi @thepiemonster - no plugin should be necessary for that. May be a little confusing from a UX perspective, but you can actually use relative time notations for calendar first to last day of the month within the “From” and To" boxes above the apply time range button. Try using now/M-1M in both From and To fields. Also make sure you’re using an upper case M for month because lower case m is minutes :slight_smile: - we have a reference available in the Time Range Control docs for more relative short hand notation.


Thanks for the input. I tried a few different queries as shown below. For a dashboard I have, I always wanted to see the current month (so would use the last image), but I I wanted to go back to a specific month, that could be in the previous year or whenever, have to count the number of months back is not something one would want to do everytime. That’s why I was seeing if there was some way of adding Panels to the dashboard maybe that change the time range. So you could have a button for each month and each year and clicking any combination of those two would set your time range. Maybe thats a feature suggestion.





Not sure if I fully understand - you’re looking for an additional panel-based time picker that only works for a specific set of panels that’s more calendar month/year based? Nothing off the top of my head comes to mind like that. It might be worthwhile to submit it as an enhancement for the existing time picker vs a separate panel - either way; we welcome those over on the GitHub repo :slight_smile: ->

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I made a quick drawing, but something like the below screenshot is what I was referring too.

If a user where to click “Jan” and “2021” then the time picker would be set to 2021-01-01 00:00:00 to 2021-01-31 23:59:59

Would there be a better way of describing this request?

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YES - 100% a feater improving Grafana - make the time range picker configurable!

So fi. optimize it to pic any specific year, month, week, day as a range by simply chose it as one entity! (no from & to)

just as a set up the time picke for one dashboard

Yes, this feature would be perfect! Are there any news about this? Is this topic still being pursued?

I use grafana to display my consumption values ​​on my smart home tablet. This DatePicker would be perfect as described. A quick selection option in kiosk mode from week/month/year via OneClick would be great!

Just an idea: