Data source variable works with single election but not with All or Multi

Hello community,

I have a problem with my first dashboards and hope that you can help me here.
The dashboard is still quite simple. I have a few tables and gouges that I retrieve from different OpenSearch indexes.
I have defined a variable for the connection of the indexes.

Currently two DataSources are matching on this variable.
In the selection menu I can select both and I get the correct data back from both. However, as soon as I set All, I only see the data from one DataSource. This is also defined as the default if this is important.
Same problem if I change the variable to Multi and select both sources.

Is this a known problem or do I have a comprehension problem here? I understand that if I select All, all data from all DataSources are displayed at the same time!

Type: Data source
Name: wazuh
Type: OpenSearch
Filter: ^wz1-.*
Include All option

Sample Query of Table:
_index:wazuh-alerts-* AND data.application:CTINotify

As already mentioned: All data can be retrieved individually, as soon as I have more sources, only the data from one source is displayed.

Grafana v10.4.2 (701c851be7) in Docker

Thank you for your advice!

Best regards,


May be specifiying Custom all value would help:

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