Dashboard Insight on Grafana Opensource

Hi all,

I need visibility of dashboard access: who and how many times user access it.
If I read an article on the Grafana Website, I have visibility by dashboard insight.

It’s cool but the feature is only accessible with an enterprise license.
But my grafana is still open source now.

Any idea how the dashboard insight feature will be enabled without an enterprise license?

Thank you

Hi @apideveloper,

Thanks for opening this post.

Well, this definitely sounds like a feature request and for that, the best place is to use our GitHub Discussions where you can open it using this link.

Define your use case (like you had defined here) and try to provide as much detail as possible to get more upvotes and attention from the community and the engineers.

I hope this helps.

this should be possible using python with some modules such as pushark etc and telegraf unless telegraf currently has it’s own sort of scrapper that listens on specific port for all traffic if traffic details are exposed in OSS.