I was trying to add new user and organization, but some how accidentally end up with deleting current organization, now i lost all my dashboard and data-sources. Is any way to recover it.
My old organization id was 1 and now its 2. Is there a way if we can change the organization Id to go to previous section ?
Just as an FYI, we had the same issue.
An admin in our system was adding users and then later on saw that the main organization was deleted and all the dashboards was gone.
We investigated for like an hour trying to find logs and trying to reproduce this with nothing found.
I’m guessing that with repetitive work that he went into the wrong area or clicked a wrong button which deleted the organization.
Googling for similar issues found this one, from a day ago.
We were able to recreate the dashboards since we had a copy of them, but I’d recommend adding something you need to type when presented with a destructive thing like deleting an org. Like “To delete the organization, please type in the name of the organization and hit confirm”
Thanks for the update. I tried to restore but couldn’t and i had no backup for dashboards. I created all from the begning