Is there an example anywhere of how to properly pass extra context values along with all of my metrics/events/etc using the Grafana Faro web sdk?I’ve been attempting to use the beforeSend function and leaning on this documentation heavily to help inform that. I have added values via beforeSend to the user, page, and view metas.
This is, in fact, sending that information (I’ve verified it in the post body) … however these values are not getting picked up by faro it seems (as the query results don’t seem to show it there). Even looking at the raw log in “Explore” in grafana loki none of those values make it in.
Bumping this thread. To be clear, I’ve got the client side coded to pass the extra values into the various Page, User, and View metas. However when we look at that raw log value in Grafana we do NOT see those extra values.
Is there something in the app_agent_receiver_config that we’re missing perhaps?
I have a similar problem, for example the environment ist part of the message but not a (indexed) label. Is there any option meanwhile to add new labels to faro?